Welcome to Liberty Labradoodles Ltd (est 2003)
Based in the winterless North in lovely rural Whangarei, Northland, our Oodles have a 25 acre Avocado Orchard to play in and call home.
During the peak Avocado season, their favourite place is in the orchard under the shade of the Avocado trees, snacking on one of their favourite foods, Avocados of course!
This friendly, family run Dog Breeding, Kennels & Grooming facility is run by Yvette & Barbara. You’ll also find Christian & Anna, Oodle groomers, puppy socialisers & dog walkers on the farm , both are fantastic with the Oodles.
And we can’t forget our kids, they are a huge part of our puppy socialising.
On the Farm
Puppies are raised indoors with mum, until they are old enough to venture outdoors, this is when we encourage our pups to use the purpose built indoor/outdoor puppy areas.
As pups get a little older, we introduce them to many different sounds, toys and paddling pools, we love our pups/dogs to be super confident in their surroundings and in water play.
Our puppies are introduced to small children, cats, our resident chicken, other pups/dogs and cows before they leave us for their new homes.
Liberty Oodles
Our Oodles are known for their therapy type natures, some are better know for their endless playing and energy especially our Sheepadoodles & Bordoodles and they are all extremely loyal, loving and gentle dogs. Oodles are truly amazing family members, and are great around children. Some of our wonderful Labradoodles have been trained and are working in the Hearing Dog programme, others are working in schools with children as therapy dogs.
Labradoodles, Spoodles, Sheepadoodles, Bordoodles are a passion for us here at Liberty Labradoodles, we spend many, many hours, 7 days a week with our dogs, always improving things as much as we can and as much as mother nature allows us to.
We wouldn’t have it any other way!